Beyond Innovations & Technologies Attends North American Bengali Conference (NABC), July 2015

North American Bengali Conference

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The North American Bengali Conference, known as the BangaSammelan was held in the United States in Texas. The Conference lasted from July 10 to July 12 and BASIS took part in the conference. With the intent of increasing the exposure of Bangladesh to the global landscape, Bangladesh was branded under the slogan of ‘Bangladesh Next’. Along with BASIS, Bangladesh Computer Council and the ICT sector took part in the conference.

BASIS President Shameem Ahsan, along with Vice President M. Rashidul Hasan and Joint Secretary General Mustafizur Rahman Sohel made up the BASIS delegation.

Eight BASIS member companies took part in the conference. These are – Beyond Innovations & Technologies, Kranti Associates Limited, Reverie Corporation Limited, Southtech Limited, Service Engine Limited, Ubik Corporation Limited, Technology Solution Limited, and ARC Bangladesh Limited.

Mr. Mossaddique Ahsan represented Beyond Innovations & Technologies during this event.

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1. Prothom Alo


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